
Our BSc Accounting course offers students a unique study experience in Accounting. The course will expose students to different areas of accounting in Finance, Management, Forensics, Auditing and much more where they will develop the knowledge and skills needed to make meaningful impacts for different types of institutions. Students will work on exciting projects in accounting firms and can eventually gain ICAN certification to enhance their credentials.

Year One

In the first year, students will gain broad foundation knowledge in a range of disciplines including financial accounting and reporting, economics and business computing.

Core courses
Introduction to Accounting and Financial Reporting I & II
Introduction to Economics I & II
Introduction to Business I & II
Communication in English
Use of Library, Study skills and ICT

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.

Year Two  

In the second year, students will begin to advance their knowledge in accounting principles, corporate finance and accounting ethics.

Core courses
Financial Accounting and Reporting I & II
Cost Accounting
Micro and Macro-Economic Theory
Elements of Management
Corporate Finance
Business Communication
Corporate Governance and Accounting Ethics
Accounting Laboratory and Accounting Application Software

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a micro project organized in conjunction with an accounting firm to gain exposure to real-world systems and applications of accounting principles.

Year Three  

In the third year, students will develop more understanding of accounting practices in management, forensics, taxation, auditing and fraud management.

Core courses
Intermediate Financial Accounting and Reporting I & II
Management Accounting I & II
Taxation I
Auditing I
Business/Company Law
Public Finance
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Management I & II
Corporate Information Systems
Public Sector Accounting
Research Methodology

Students will undertake the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in a reputable accounting firm to gain more exposure to real-world accounting practices.

Year four  

The final year provides students with specialized knowledge in international accounting, business strategies, assurance and accounting theories.

Core courses
Advanced Financial Accounting and Reporting
Public Sector Accounting and Reporting
Taxation II
Auditing, Assurance and Investigation
International Accounting I & II
Financial Management
Executorships, Bankruptcy and Liquidations
Accounting Theory

Students will undertake their final year research project and present a thesis.
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will be prepared for employment and so they will take the ‘Employability and Career Planning’ course.