Physics with Electronics

Our BSc Physics with Electronics course is designed to provide students with the theoretical and practical knowledge of physics and electronics. Students will understand and apply the laws of physics to different national and international problems to help bring about new solutions to the challenges facing humanity in this field of study.

Year One

In the first year, students will gain basic knowledge in physics.

Core courses
General physics I & II
General physics laboratory I & II
Communication in English

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.

Year Two    

In the second year, students will begin to advance their knowledge of physics and electronics.

Core courses
General physics III (modern physics)
Introduction to electric circuits and electronics
General physics IV (waves and optics)
Thermal physics

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a micro project organized in conjunction with a reputable company to gain exposure to real-world issues.

Year Three    

In the third year, students will begin to develop a deeper understanding of the theoretical applications of physics including quantum and thermal physics and electromagnetism.

Core courses

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in a reputable company to gain more exposure to real-world issues.

Year four    

The final year provides students with in-depth knowledge of different areas of physics including quantum mechanics, optics, solid state physics and spectroscopy.

Core courses

Students will undertake their final year research project and present a thesis.
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will be prepared for employment and so they will take the ‘Employability and Career Planning’ course.