Political Science

Our BSc Political Science course is designed to provide students with a good understanding of the history and evolution of political thoughts, power play in politics, inter-relationships between the different levels of government as well as other factors which hinge on the political affairs of any society. Students will also gain the relevant skills which will enable them to become meaningful contributors to the enhancement of both national and international politics.

Year One

In the first year, students will gain basic knowledge in political science.

Core courses
Introduction to political science
Introduction to African politics
Introduction to Public Administration
Nigerian Constitutional Development
Citizens and the State
Organization of Government

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.

Year Two    

In the second year, students will begin to advance their knowledge of political ideologies, economics, international relations and public administration.

Core courses
Nigerian government and politics
Introduction to political analysis
Political ideas
Foundations of political economy
Democracy and Civil Society
New States in World Politics
History of political thought
Logic and methods of political enquiry

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a micro project organized in conjunction with a relevant agency to gain exposure to real-world issues.

Year Three    

In the third year, students will begin to develop a deeper understanding of political thoughts, political behavior and analysis, federalism and public administration.

Core courses
Contemporary political analysis
Political behavior
Public policy analysis
Comparative federalism
Research methods

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units. 

Year four    

The final year provides students with in-depth knowledge of politics as it relates to other areas such as law, administration, finance and government.

Core courses
Civil-military relations
Politics and law in Africa
Development administration
State and economy
Third world and dependency

Students will undertake their final year research project and present a thesis.
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will be prepared for employment and so they will take the ‘Employability and Career Planning’ course.