International Relations

Our BSc International Relations course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills which will enable them to make meaningful contributions to the political and socio-economic development of Nigeria, Africa and the entire world. Students will learn different international relations theories which relate to development, underdevelopment, war and peace at the national and international levels and how these theories can be applied to the analysis and provision of solutions to events in the international system.

Year One

In the first year, students will gain basic knowledge of international relations and politics.

Core courses

Introduction to International Relations
Ancestors of the contemporary international system
Introduction to African politics
History of Europe 1300-1914
Nigerian Constitutional Development
Citizens and the State
Organization of Government

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.

Year Two   

In the second year, students will begin to advance their knowledge of international relations, politics, peace and conflict resolution, economies of the world and global studies.

Core courses
Structure of international society
Introduction to political analysis
Political thought plato-machiavelli
Political thought since hobbes
Foundation of political economy
New states in world politics
Democracy and Civil Society

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a micro project organized in conjunction with a reputable international relations institution to gain exposure to real-world issues.

Year Three   

In the third year, students will begin to develop a deeper understanding of international political systems, diplomacy, law and administration.

Core courses
International economic relations I & II
The international political system
Law of nations
Intentional politics in the post-cold war era
International politics of Africa
Theories of international relations
Theory and practice of administration

Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a field trip to a relevant institution to gain more exposure to real-world issues.

Year four   

The final year provides students with in-depth knowledge of the analysis of foreign policies, human rights, international institutions as well as race and ethnicity.

Core courses
Foreign policy analysis
Nigerian foreign policy
Contemporary strategic studies
Foreign policies of the powers
International institutions

Students will undertake their final year research project and present a thesis.
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will be prepared for employment and so they will take the ‘Employability and Career Planning’ course.