Cyber Security
Our BSc Cyber Security course is designed to provide students with a good understanding of the cyber world and how to ensure security from malicious and unwanted sources. Students will learn the origin, evolution and architecture of the cyber world and the challenges which exist as well as ways of developing systems to keep people and resources safe from cyber attacks. Students can also register and take part in various IT certification examinations in Cisco, Oracle and Microsoft to enhance their credentials.
Year One
In the first year, students will gain basic knowledge in computer science and cyber security.
Core courses
Introduction to computer science
Introduction to cyber security
General Mathematics I & II
General Physics I & II
General Physics laboratory I & II
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Year Two
In the second year, students will begin to advance their knowledge in cyber security and computing.
Core courses
Fundamentals of cyber security
Computer programming I & II
Cyber security in business and industry
Introduction to digital forensics
Operating systems
System and network administration
Computer communication and networks
Enterprise and parameter security
Information security policy
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake a micro project organized in conjunction with a reputable cyber security company to gain exposure to real-world issues.
Year Three
In the third year, students will begin to develop a deeper understanding of networks, security and cryptography.
Core courses
Software defined networks
Cryptographic techniques
Biometrics security
Information security engineering
System security
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will undertake the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in a reputable cyber security company to gain more exposure to real-world issues.
Year four
The final year provides students with in-depth knowledge of advanced cyber security topics including disaster recovery, ethical hacking, cryptography, cyber law, system vulnerability assessments and risk analysis.
Core courses
Database management and control systems
System vulnerability assessment
Cloud computing security
Information disaster recovery
VoIP and multimedia security
Fault tolerant computing
Cryptography: algorithms and applications
Cyber law
Information system risk analysis and management
Ethical hacking
Special topics in information security
Students will undertake their final year research project and present a thesis.
Students will take Required and Elective courses from within and outside the department to make up the minimum number of credit units.
Students will be prepared for employment and so they will take the ‘Employability and Career Planning’ course.