2022/2023 Matriculation Ceremony

2022/ 2023 Matriculation

We are delighted to announce that our university has successfully conducted its matriculation ceremony for the new batch of students. The event was held on June 23rd, 2023, at the main auditorium. The ceremony was graced by the presence of the Vice-Chancellor, the Deans of all faculties, the Registrar, and other distinguished guests.

The matriculation ceremony is a solemn occasion that marks the formal admission of students into the university. It is also a time to celebrate their achievements and aspirations, as well as to welcome them into the academic community. The Vice-Chancellor delivered a keynote address, in which he congratulated the students for their hard work and dedication that earned them a place in the university. He also urged them to uphold the values and standards of the institution, and to make the most of the opportunities and resources available to them.

The Dean of Social and Management Sciences also addressed the students, highlighting the various academic and extracurricular activities that they can participate in during their stay in the university. He encouraged them to explore their interests and talents, and to develop their skills and potentials. He also reminded them of their responsibilities and obligations as members of the university, and advised them to abide by the rules and regulations.

The Registrar administered the matriculation oath, which was recited by all the students. The oath signifies their commitment and loyalty to the university, and their pledge to uphold its honor and dignity. The students then signed the matriculation register, which officially confirmed their enrollment in the university.

The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks from the Pro Chancellor, who expressed excitement and dedication to making sure the university enables the students to achieve all they set to accomplish in life. He also thanked the parents, guardians, sponsors, and well-wishers for their support and entrusting their wards futures in capable hands.

We congratulate all our matriculants once again, and we wish them a fruitful and rewarding academic journey.